(from significant production dates)
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Auditions for Rotten Cherry were held on this day, welcoming in a collection of actors based in the North East who had an interest in the production. From this day of auditions, we casted our four actors, Ethan Walton, Richard Carnaby, Lucy Conroy, and Julie Potter.
Wednesday 6th March - Thursday 7th March 2024
The Rotten Cherry production worked on test footage for one of the films locations, Chris' apartment. This massively benefitted the crew as we figured out everything required before filming commenced later in the month.
Monday 11th March 2024
The director, Ryan, held rehearsals with Ethan and Richard, rehearsing through all the scenes containing the two characters. Ian, the intimacy coordinator, was also present via Zoom. This session introduced the actors to one another, which was essential due to the nature of their relationship on screen.
Thursday 14th March 2024
Production worked through test footage for another location, George's family home. This benefited the crew as they were able to figure out the logistics of filming on this location, meaning that for filming, they would be completely prepared.
Monday 18th March 2024
Rotten Cherry's first day of filming, which was scheduled at the location of Chris' apartment. The call time for actors was 5pm and filming took place throughout the evening. Production filmed all of the living room and hallway scenes within the film on the first day of filming.
Tuesday 19th March 2024
Day two of filming on the location of Chris' apartment. Production filmed a couple reshoots before moving focus to the bedroom scene. Production filmed the intimacy scene involved, with the presence of Ian, the lead intimacy coordinator, or Zoom. Call time was 6pm and filming occurred throughout the evening.
Thursday 21st March 2024
Day three of filming on the location of Chris' apartment. With some of the bedroom scene left to film, production obtained the necessary footage, before switching their attention to filming the car scene, which was located close by. Call time was 5pm and filming occured throughout the evening and into the night.
Monday 25th March 2024
With all filming involving the character Chris completed, the production shifted focus to filming the scenes at George's family home. This involved a bedroom scene and an exterior scene. Call time for Ethan was 6pm, and filming occurred throughout the evening before wrapping at around midnight.
Tuesday 26th March 2024
Filming of scene located on the Quayside commenced at 11am with Ethan and Lucy. Crew arrived at 10am to film b-roll footage and prepare for the actors arrival. Filming wrapped at 3:30pm once the scheduled footage for this scene had been shot.
Thursday 4th April 2024
Day one of editing with a focus on the shots filmed on the location of Chris' apartment.
Monday 8th April 2024
Day two of editing, with a focus on editing the scenes located at George's family home.
Thursday 11th April 2024
Day three of editing, continuing on with a focus on the scenes at George's family home.
Friday 12th April 2024
Day four of editing, focused on the Quayside scene at the beginning of the film.
Friday 19th April 2024
Day five of editing, fine-tuning the timeline after taking on constructive criticism from an external member at the university.
With two more exterior scenes situated at the end of Rotten Cherry, the production crew met up to film these final two scenes, which were situated on the Quayside and adjacent to St Lawrence Park. As the scenes were set at night, call time was 9pm and filming commenced until 2am.
Monday 29th April 2024
Day six of editing, focussing on the exterior shots situated at the end of the film, alongside editing the sound of the scene in George's bedroom.
Day seven of editing, focussing on the sound, specifically on the score for the film.
Day eight of editing, trimming down scenes to have a more concise structure.
Day nine of editing, mostly on improving the sound further.